Coaching, mentoring & outplacement

Coaching and mentoring are powerful ways to guide teams and individuals to reach their potential and achieve business objectives.

People discussing a document Coaching usually involves regular meetings over a set period to achieve specific goals. Mentoring tends to take place over a longer period and is more ‘directive’, with meetings on demand. We provide a range of formats that can include traditional training and development:

  • Board: enabling your most senior players to evolve their strategic vision and lead their teams to deliver it

  • Executive: addressing day-to-day issues issues and team motivation or guiding individuals to achieve personal and corporate goals

  • Career: collaborating with individuals to realise goals or solve career problems. Equally, helping people move to a new job, work successfully through the process of outplacement or address development gaps to achieve promotion

  • Life: helping people be clear about their future – in an overall sense